Thursday, January 22, 2009

Gatherings, Presidents and Printers oh my

Well we're offficially off and running on the Ga Spring Fling Gathering 09~! Boy seems like I'm working on this Gathering 24-7. Most items on agenda are lined up so that's a good thing. Agenda is in place, now I feel much better. Working on 1-2 more Vendors, then on to more Goodie Bag and Door Prize items~ Already being contacted by businesses about donating~ Thanks so very much~ Makes my life much easier.

On a personal note, I took some soap pics for the Saponifier mag contest. Didn't really think my soaps were that good, but we'll see~hey, I might actallly send them in too~!

Worked on my Etsy site. At least it's up and running that's a big plus~I had Handszenmotion do my Etsy banner, I'm so happy with it~ now to add products~ Wait, don't I have a website in the same condition? I believe I do. Three stores wanting soap~ Gotta, Gotta, Gotta get the new year going and what happens, printer is out of ink~! ARGH ~! Just ordered more, but it seems to be coming on a slow boat from China~ oh well~it gets here when it gets here.

Watched Obama being sworn in, a great day in history. Michelle really looked lovely. She was the star of the show in my book~ so pretty~! Now I look forward to when we are all REALLY equal and a woman is sworn in as President~! Pres. Obama seems to be a good man and is really concerned for America and her citizens. I truly hope he does make a difference. I'm rooting for him~!

Ok off to more gathering work, then more soaping ~I have new scrub jars just itching to be filled and labeled~ oh wait~ that's right ~ no printer~! EEEEEK~

Later ya'll

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